Browse code

Fix minor typo

Ed L authored on 09/07/2017 18:43:02
Showing 3 changed files
... ...
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ const routesConfig = [
70 70
 const {enhancer, init} = installBrowserRouter(routesConfig);
71 71
72 72
 const store = createStore(reduce, compose(
-  enhance
+  enhancer
74 74
75 75
76 76
 //when you are ready to handle the initial page load (redux-saga and similar libraries necessitate this being separte)
... ...
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import {createStore, compose} from 'redux';</p><p>const LOAD_USER = 'LOAD_USER';
54 54
   ['/article/:slug', 'LOAD_ARTICLE', {}],
55 55
   ['/', 'LOAD_ARTICLE', {slug: "home-content"}]
56 56
 ];</p><p>const {enhancer} = installBrowserRouter(routesConfig);</p><p>const store = createStore(reduce, compose(
-  enhance
+  enhancer
58 58
 ));</p></code></pre><p>Any time a handled action fires the url in the address bar will change, and if the url in the address bar changes
59 59
 the corresponding action will fire (unless the action was initiated by a url change).</p></section><section><h2>Route matching precedence - which route matches best?</h2><p>Route precedence is a function of the type of matching done in each segment and the order in which the wildcard segments
60 60
 match.  Exact matches are always preferred to wildcards moving from left to right.</p><pre><code class="javascript">const routesInOrderOfPrecedence = [
... ...
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const routesConfig = [
81 81
 const {enhancer} = installBrowserRouter(routesConfig);
82 82
83 83
 const store = createStore(reduce, compose(
-  enhance
+  enhancer
85 85
86 86
87 87