import React from "react"; import Fragment from "./fragment"; import ezJson from "enzyme-to-json"; import { shallow } from "enzyme"; import Enzyme from "enzyme"; import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16"; Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); it("should display when state is truthy", () => { // given const state = { property: true }; // when const wrapper = shallow(
); // then expect(ezJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should not display when state is falsy", () => { // given const state = { property: undefined }; // when const wrapper = shallow(
); // then expect(ezJson(wrapper)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should handle paths in the state tree", () => { // given const state = { property: { subproperty: true } }; // when const wrapper = shallow(
); // then expect(ezJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should handle arrays in the state tree", () => { // given const state = { property: [{ bar: {} }] }; // when const wrapper = shallow(
); // then expect(ezJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should be falsy if missing state tree", () => { // given const state = { property: { subproperty: true } }; const wrapper = shallow(
); expect(ezJson(wrapper)).toBeFalsy(); });