(in-package :slacker) (defmethod attach-module ((event-pump event-pump) module &rest args &key) (setf (gethash (make-keyword module) (modules event-pump)) (apply #'make-instance module args))) (defvar *api-token*) (defun make-client (event-pump) (flet ((get-ws-url (slack-response) (gethash "url" slack-response))) (fw.lu:let-each (:be slack-data) (format nil "https://slack.com/api/rtm.start?token=~a" *api-token*) (drakma:http-request slack-data :want-stream t) (yason:parse slack-data) (let* ((url (get-ws-url slack-data)) (self (gethash "self" slack-data)) (users (gethash "users" slack-data)) (client (wsd:make-client url))) (declare (ignorable self users)) (wsd:on :message client (lambda (message) (chanl:send (result-queue event-pump) message))) client)))) (defgeneric send-message (client type &key) (:documentation "Send a slack message") (:method :around ((client event-pump) _type &key) (declare (ignorable client _type)) (let ((result (call-next-method))) (values result (wsd:send (ws-client client) (with-output-to-string (s) (yason:encode result s))))))) (defgeneric start-module (client module) (:documentation "start a module")) (defun start-client (&key modules) (let* ((event-pump (make-instance 'event-pump)) (client (make-client event-pump))) (setf (ws-client event-pump) client) (values event-pump (bt:make-thread (lambda () (loop for (module . args) in modules do (start-module event-pump (apply #'attach-module event-pump module args))) (as:with-event-loop () (websocket-driver:start-connection client) (as:with-interval (15) (send-message event-pump :ping)) (as:with-interval (0.01) (multiple-value-bind (message message-p) (chanl:recv (work-queue event-pump) :blockp nil) (when message-p (format t "Got a message") (funcall message event-pump))) :event-cb (lambda (ev) (format t "~&EVENT: ~a~%" ev))))) :name "Event Server")))) (defmethod get-event-nonblocking ((event-pump event-pump) &key (object-as :hash-table)) (multiple-value-bind (message message-p) (chanl:recv (result-queue event-pump) :blockp nil) (values (when message-p (yason:parse message :object-as object-as)) message-p))) (defmethod get-event ((event-pump event-pump) &key (object-as :hash-table)) (multiple-value-bind (message message-p) (chanl:recv (result-queue event-pump)) (values (when message-p (yason:parse message :object-as object-as)) message-p))) (defun event-loop (event-pump) (loop with message with message-p do (multiple-value-setq (message message-p) (get-event event-pump)) when message-p do (let ((type (gethash "type" message)) (reply (gethash "reply_to" message))) (cond (type (string-case (gethash "type" message) ("message" (format t "~&MSG: <~a/~a> ~a~%" (gethash "channel" message) (gethash "user" message) (gethash "text" message)) (when-let* ((msg (gethash "text" message)) (parsed-message (tokens msg)) (ts (gethash "ts" message)) (channel (gethash "channel" message))) (when (eql #\; (elt msg 0)) (handle-command event-pump ts channel (car parsed-message) (cdr parsed-message))))) (t (fresh-line) (yason:encode message) (terpri)))) (reply ))) do (sleep 0.01))) (defun coordinate-threads () (let* ((event-pump (start-client :modules '((hhgbot-augmented-assistant::js-executor))))) (bt:make-thread (lambda () (event-loop event-pump)) :name "Event Loop") event-pump)) (defparameter *command-table* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defun quote-output (str) (with-output-to-string (s) (format s "```~%~a```~%" str))) (defmacro in-wq ((client-sym) &body body) `(let ((promise (blackbird-base:make-promise))) (values promise (chanl:send (work-queue ,client-sym) (lambda (,client-sym) (declare (ignorable ,client-sym)) (let ((result (progn ,@body))) (blackbird-base:finish promise result) result)))))) (define-modify-macro aconsf (key datum) (lambda (alist key datum) (acons key datum alist))) (defmethod send-message ((client event-pump) (type (eql :ping)) &key data) (let* ((id (incf (latest-id client))) (message `(("id" . ,id) ("type" . "ping")))) (when data (aconsf message "data" data)) (incf (waiting-pings client)) (alist-hash-table message :test 'equal))) (defmethod send-message ((client event-pump) (type (eql :message)) &key channel data) (let* ((id (incf (latest-id client))) (message `(("id" . ,id) ("type" . "message") ("channel" . ,channel) ("text" . ,data)))) (alist-hash-table message :test 'equal))) (defun queue-message (event-pump channel message &key quote) (let ((message (if quote (quote-output message) message))) (in-wq (event-pump) (send-message event-pump :message :channel channel :data message)))) (define-condition command-error () ()) (define-condition unsupported-args (command-error) ()) (defmacro define-command (name (event-pump ts channel &rest args) &body body) (let* ((command-sym (intern (string-upcase name))) (has-rest (position '&rest args)) (rest-sym (gensym "rest")) (args (if has-rest args (append args `(&rest ,rest-sym))))) `(progn (defun ,command-sym (,event-pump ,ts ,channel ,@args) (declare (ignorable event-pump ts ,@(when (not has-rest) `(,rest-sym)))) ,@body) (setf (gethash ,name *command-table*) (function ,command-sym))))) (defun safe-apply (func event-pump ts channel args) (with-simple-restart (continue "Skip command") (apply func event-pump ts channel args))) (defun handle-command (event-pump ts channel command args) (declare (ignorable args)) (let* ((command (subseq (plump:decode-entities command) 1)) (handler (gethash command *command-table*))) (print (hash-table-alist *command-table*)) (terpri) (print command) (if handler (safe-apply handler event-pump ts channel args) (queue-message event-pump channel (concat "I don't understand the command `" command "`."))))) (defun slack-api-call (method &rest args) (bb:with-promise (resolve reject) (bt:make-thread (lambda () (handler-case (let ((api-result (yason:parse (babel:octets-to-string (drakma:http-request (concat "https://slack.com/api/" method "?token=" *api-token*) :method :post :content (quri:url-encode-params (loop for (key value) on args by #'cddr collect (cons (string-downcase key) value))) :proxy (list "" 8080)))))) ;todo error handling . . . (resolve api-result)) (t (c) (reject c))))))) (defgeneric api-call (name args) (:method ((name symbol) (args list)) (slack-api-call ,))) (defmacro define-api-wrapper (name required-args &rest args) (flet ((name-case (string) (let ((parts (split-sequence #\- (string-downcase string)))) (apply #'concatenate 'string (car parts) (mapcar #'string-capitalize (cdr parts)))))) (let* ((api-method-name (name-case name))) `(progn (defun ,name (,@required-args &rest r &key ,@args) (apply #'slack-api-call ,api-method-name ,@(loop for req-arg in required-args append (list (make-keyword req-arg) req-arg)) r)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (let ((*package* 'slacker.api)) (import ',name) (export ',name))))))) (defmacro define-api-wrappers (&body body) `(progn ,@(loop for (name required-args . rest) in body collect `(define-api-wrapper ,name ,required-args ,@rest)))) (defun edit-message (ts channel text) (babel:octets-to-string (drakma:http-request "https://slack.com/api/chat.update" :method :post :content (concat "token=" *api-token* "&channel=" channel "&ts=" ts "&text=" text)))) (defmacro with-output-to-message ((stream event-pump channel &key quote) &body body) (once-only (event-pump channel quote) `(queue-message ,event-pump ,channel (with-output-to-string (,stream) ,@body) :quote ,quote))) (define-command "help" (event-pump ts channel) (let ((*print-right-margin* (max (or *print-right-margin* 0) 80))) (with-output-to-message (s event-pump channel) (format s "I understand these commands:~%~{`~a`~^ ~}" (hash-table-keys *command-table*)) :quote t))) (defparameter *id* 0) (defun make-message (data channel) (incf *id*) (with-output-to-string (s) (yason:encode (alist-hash-table `(("id" . ,*id*) ("type" . "message") ("channel" . ,channel) ("text" . ,data))) s))) (in-package :slacker.api) (slacker::define-api-wrappers (chat.delete (ts channel) as_user) (chat.me-message (channel text)) (chat.post-message (channel text) parse link_name attachments unfurl_links unfurl_media username as_user icon_uri icon_emoji) (chat.update (ts channel text) attachments parse link_names as_user))