 //  DebugLog.m
 //  Lisp Metadata Importer
 //  Created by John Wiseman on 9/8/05.
 //  Copyright 2005 John Wiseman. All rights reserved.
 #import "DebugLog.h"
 static DebugLevel GlobalDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_OFF;
 DebugLevel DebugLevelNameToValue(NSString *name)
     DebugLevel level = DEBUG_LEVEL_OFF;
     if ([name isEqualToString:@"DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE"])
         level = DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;
     else if ([name isEqualToString:@"DEBUG_LEVEL_DEBUG"])
         level = DEBUG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
     else if ([name isEqualToString:@"DEBUG_LEVEL_OFF"])
         level = DEBUG_LEVEL_OFF;
     return level;
 void SetDebugLogLevel(DebugLevel theLevel)
     GlobalDebugLevel = theLevel;
 void DebugLog(DebugLevel level, NSString *format, ...)
     if (level >= GlobalDebugLevel)
         // get a reference to the arguments on the stack that follow
         // the format paramter
         va_list argList;
         va_start (argList, format);
         // NSString luckily provides us with this handy method which
         // will do all the work for us, including %@
         NSString *string;
         string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: format
                                         arguments: argList];
         va_end  (argList);
         // Log it.
         NSLog(@"%@", string);
         [string release];