 (in-package "LISP")
 ;;; The default version of this function has a bug with relative
 ;;; pathnames.
 (defun pathname->string (p)
   (let ((dirlist (pathname-directory p)))
     (format nil "~A~{~A/~}~A~A~A"
             (case (car dirlist)
               (:absolute "/")
               (:relative "./")
               (:up "../")
               (t ""))
             (cdr dirlist)
             (nil->empty-string (pathname-name p))
             (if (null (pathname-type p)) "" ".")
             (nil->empty-string (pathname-type p)))))
 ;;; The default version of this function defaults the C file to the
 ;;; wrong directory -- LOAD can't find it.
 (defun my-comf (file &key
                   (output-file (merge-pathnames ".o" file))
                   (c-file (merge-pathnames ".c" output-file))
                   (verbose *compile-verbose*)
                   (print *compile-print*)
                   (config *config*)
                   (pic? *pic?*)
   (old-comf file
 	    :output-file output-file
 	    :c-file c-file
 	    :verbose verbose
 	    :print print
 	    :config config
 	    :pic? pic?
 	    :only-to-c? only-to-c?))
 (when (not (fboundp 'old-comf))
   (setf (symbol-function 'old-comf) #'comf)
   (setf (symbol-function 'comf) #'my-comf))
 ;;; WCL's evaluator tries to macroexpand everything before executing
 ;;; anything.  Unfortunately, this does the wrong thing with
 ;;; top-level PROGN's -- it tries to expand macros in subforms before
 ;;; executing earlier subforms that set up stuff required to do the
 ;;; the expansion properly.
 (defun eval-1 (form venv fenv tenv benv)
   (let ((new-form  (macroexpand form *eval-macro-env*)))
     (if (and (consp new-form)
 	     (eq (car new-form) 'progn))
 	(do ((forms (cdr new-form) (cdr forms)))
 	    ((null (cdr forms)) (eval-1 (car forms) venv fenv tenv benv))
 	    (eval-1 (car forms) venv fenv tenv benv))
 	(let ((expansion (expand new-form)))
 	  (when (and (listp expansion)
 		     (eq (car expansion) 'define-function))
 	    (setf (get (second (second expansion))
 	  (eval/5 expansion venv fenv tenv benv))