 ;;; Basic DI structure:
 ;;;  a. Create the set of instances
 ;;;  b. Expand the context of each potential instance.
 ;;;  c. Once b. reaches a fixpoint, fill in the ast for the generated instances
 (define *di-context-changed* '#f)
 (define (add-derived-instances modules)
   (let ((insts '()))
     (walk-modules modules
      (lambda () (setf insts (append (find-derivable-instances) insts))))
     (compute-di-fixpoint insts)
     (dolist (inst insts)
       (when (instance-ok? inst)
         (create-instance-fns inst)
 	(push inst (module-instance-defs
 		    (table-entry *modules*
 				 (def-module (instance-algdata inst)))))))))
 (define (compute-di-fixpoint insts)
   (setf *di-context-changed* '#f)
   (dolist (inst insts)
     (propagate-di-context inst))
   (when *di-context-changed* (compute-di-fixpoint insts)))
 ;;; Create instance decls for all derived instances in a module.  Filter
 ;;; out underivable instances (Ix & Enum only)
 (define (find-derivable-instances)
   (let ((algs (module-alg-defs *module*))
 	(insts '()))
     (dolist (alg algs)
       (dolist (class (algdata-deriving alg))
 	 (cond ((memq class (list (core-symbol "Eq")
 				  (core-symbol "Ord")
 				  (core-symbol "Text")
 				  (core-symbol "Binary")))
 		(setf insts (add-derivable-instance insts alg class '#f)))
 	       ((eq? class *printer-class*)
 		(setf insts (add-derivable-instance
 			     insts alg (core-symbol "Text") '#t)))
 	       ((eq? class (core-symbol "Ix"))
 		(if (or (algdata-enum? alg)
 			(algdata-tuple? alg))
 		    (setf insts (add-derivable-instance insts alg class '#f))
 		    (signal-cant-derive-ix alg)))
 	       ((eq? class (core-symbol "Enum"))
 		(if (algdata-enum? alg)
 		    (setf insts (add-derivable-instance insts alg class '#f))
 		    (signal-cant-derive-enum alg)))
 		(signal-not-derivable class)))))
 (define (signal-cant-derive-ix alg)
   (phase-error 'cant-derive-IX
     "An Ix instance for ~A cannot be derived.  It is not an enumeration~%~
      or single-constructor datatype."
 (define (signal-cant-derive-enum alg)
   (phase-error 'cant-derive-Enum
     "An Enum instance for ~A cannot be derived.  It is not an enumeration."
 (define (signal-not-derivable class)
   (recoverable-error 'not-derivable
     "Class ~A is not one of the classes that permits derived instances."
 ;; This adds a provisional instance template.  Of course, there may already
 ;;; be an instance (error!)
 (define (add-derivable-instance insts alg cls sp)
   (let ((existing-inst (lookup-instance alg cls)))
     (cond ((eq? existing-inst '#f)
 	   (let ((inst (new-instance cls alg (algdata-tyvars alg))))
 	     (setf (instance-context inst) (algdata-context alg))
 	     (setf (instance-decls inst) '())
 	     (setf (instance-ok? inst) '#t)
 	     (setf (instance-suppress-readers? inst) sp)
 	     (cons inst insts)))
 	   (signal-instance-exists alg cls)
 (define (signal-instance-exists alg cls)
   (recoverable-error 'instance-exists
     "An instance for type ~A in class ~A already exists;~%~
      the deriving clause is being ignored."
     alg cls))
 ;;; This updates all instance contexts for an algdata.  Each derivable
 ;;; instance generates a recursive context for every field.  If a
 ;;; component cannot satisfy the desired context, the ok? field is set to
 ;;; #f to mark the instance as bogus.
 (define (propagate-di-context inst)
   (when (instance-ok? inst)
     (propagate-constructor-contexts inst
 			   (algdata-constrs (instance-algdata inst)))))
 ;;; These two functions propagate the context to ever field of every
 ;;; constructor
 (define (propagate-constructor-contexts inst constrs)
   (or (null? constrs)
       (and (propagate-contexts inst (instance-class inst)
 			       (con-types (car constrs)))
 	   (propagate-constructor-contexts inst (cdr constrs)))))
 (define (propagate-contexts inst class types)
   (or (null? types)
       (and (propagate-type-context inst class (car types))
 	   (propagate-contexts inst class (cdr types)))))
 ;;; This propagates a context out to a given type.  The type can only contain
 ;;; the tyvars which are args to the algdata.
 (define (propagate-type-context inst class type)
   (cond ((tyvar? type)
 	 (cond ((single-ast-context-implies?
 		   (instance-context inst) class (tyvar-name type))
 		(setf *di-context-changed* '#t)
 		(setf (instance-context inst)
 		      (augment-context (instance-context inst) class
 				       (tyvar-name type)))
 	((synonym? (tycon-def type))
 	 (propagate-type-context inst class (expand-synonym type)))
 	 (let* ((algdata (tycon-def type))  ; must be a algdata
 	        (args (tycon-args type))
 		(new-inst (lookup-instance algdata class)))
 	   (cond ((or (eq? new-inst '#f)
 		      (not (instance-ok? new-inst)))
 		    (instance-class inst) (instance-algdata inst))
 		  (setf (instance-ok? inst) '#f)
 		  (setf *di-context-changed* '#t)
 		  (propagate-instance-contexts inst 
 				      (instance-context new-inst)
 				      (instance-tyvars new-inst)
 (define (single-ast-context-implies? ast-context class tyvar)
   (cond ((null? ast-context)
 	((eq? tyvar (context-tyvar (car ast-context)))
 	 (let ((class1 (class-ref-class (context-class (car ast-context)))))
 	   (or (eq? class1 class)
 	       (memq class (class-super* class1))
 	       (single-ast-context-implies? (cdr ast-context) class tyvar))))
 	 (single-ast-context-implies? (cdr ast-context) class tyvar))))
 ;;; *** This message makes no sense to me.  What is the problem that
 ;;; *** makes it impossible to derive the instance?
 (define (signal-cannot-derive-instance class alg)
   (phase-error 'cannot-derive-instance
     "Instance ~A(~A) cannot be derived."
     class alg))
 ;;; This propagates contexts into structure components.  The context
 ;;; changes due to the context associated with the various instance
 ;;; decls encountered.
 ;;; Here's the plan for expanding Cls(Alg t1 t2 .. tn) using
 ;;; instance (Cls1(vx),Cls2(vy),...) => Cls(Alg(v1 v2 .. vn))
 ;;;   for each Clsx in the instance context, propagate Clsx to the
 ;;;   ti corresponding to vx, where vx must be in the set vi.
 (define (propagate-instance-contexts inst contexts tyvars args)
   (or (null? contexts)
       (and (propagate-type-context inst
 	      (class-ref-class (context-class (car contexts)))
 	       (context-tyvar (car contexts)) tyvars args))
 	   (propagate-instance-contexts inst (cdr contexts) tyvars args))))
 ;;; Given the t(i) and the v(i), return the t corresponding to a v.
 (define (find-corresponding-tyvar tyvar tyvars args)
   (if (eq? tyvar (car tyvars))
       (car args)
       (find-corresponding-tyvar tyvar (cdr tyvars) (cdr args))))
 ;;; 1 level type synonym expansion
 (define (expand-synonym type)
   (let* ((synonym (tycon-def type))
 	 (args (synonym-args synonym))
 	 (body (synonym-body synonym)))
   (let ((alist (map (lambda (tyvar arg) (tuple tyvar arg))
 		    args (tycon-args type))))
     (copy-synonym-body body alist))))
 (define (copy-synonym-body type alist)
   (if (tyvar? type)
       (tuple-2-2 (assq (tyvar-name type) alist))
       (make tycon (def (tycon-def type))
 	          (name (tycon-name type))
 		  (args (map (lambda (ty)
 			       (copy-synonym-body ty alist))
 			     (tycon-args type))))))
 ;;; This fills in the body decls for an instance function.
 (define (create-instance-fns inst)
   (let ((class (instance-class inst))
 	(alg (instance-algdata inst)))
     (cond ((eq? class (core-symbol "Eq"))
 	   (add-instance inst (eq-fns alg)))
 	  ((eq? class (core-symbol "Ord"))
 	   (add-instance inst (ord-fns alg)))
 	  ((eq? class (core-symbol "Ix"))
 	   (add-instance inst (ix-fns alg)))
 	  ((eq? class (core-symbol "Enum"))
 	   (add-instance inst (enum-fns alg)))
 	  ((eq? class (core-symbol "Text"))
 	   (add-instance inst (text-fns alg (instance-suppress-readers? inst))))
 	  ((eq? class (core-symbol "Binary"))
 	   (add-instance inst (binary-fns alg))))))
 (define (add-instance inst decls)
   (setf (instance-decls inst) decls))
 ;;; Add class(var) to a context, removing any contexts made redundant by
 ;;; the new addition.  Example: adding Ord a to (Eq a, Eq b) would yield
 ;;; (Ord a,Eq b).
 (define (augment-context contexts cl var)
   (cons (**context (**class/def cl) var)
 	(remove-implied-contexts cl var contexts)))
 (define (remove-implied-contexts class1 tyvar1 contexts)
   (if (null? contexts)
       (with-slots context (class tyvar) (car contexts)
 	(let ((rest (remove-implied-contexts class1 tyvar1 (cdr contexts)))
 	      (class2 (class-ref-class class)))
 	  (if (and (eq? tyvar1 tyvar)
 		   (memq class2 (class-super* class1)))
 	      (cons (car contexts) rest))))))