 ;;; This contains parser error handlers.  They, in turn, call the
 ;;; system error handlers.
 (define (lexer-error id . msgs)
   (parser-error/common id 'recoverable msgs '#t)
 (define (parser-error id . msgs)
   (parser-error/common id 'phase msgs '#f)
   (if (null? *layout-stack*)
       (recover-to-next-decl *token-stream*)))
 (define (parser-error/recoverable id . args)
   (parser-error/common id 'recoverable args '#f))
 (define (parser-error/common id type msgs in-lexer?)
   (let ((place
 	 (if in-lexer?
 	     (list "Error occured at in file ~A at line ~A, column ~A."
 		   *current-file* *current-line* *current-col*)
 	     (list "Error occured at in file ~A at line ~A, token ~A."
 		   *current-file* *current-line*
 		   (cond ((null? *token-args*)
 			 ((null? (cdr *token-args*))
 			  (car *token-args*))
 			 (else *token-args*)))))) ; could be better
     (haskell-error id type (list place msgs))))
 (define (recover-to-next-decl tokens)
   (cond ((null? tokens)
 	((eq? (car (car tokens)) 'line)
 	 (search-layout-stack *layout-stack* tokens (caddr (car tokens))))
 	(else (recover-to-next-decl (cdr tokens)))))
 (define (search-layout-stack layouts tokens column)
   (cond ((null? layouts)
 	((> column (layout-col (car layouts)))
 	 (recover-to-next-decl (cdr tokens)))
 	((= column (layout-col (car layouts)))
 	 (setf *current-col* column)
 	 (setf *current-line* (cadr (car tokens)))
 	 (setf *token-stream* (cdr tokens))
 	 (advance-token)  ; loads up *token*
 	 ;; *** layout-recovery-fn is not defined anywhere!
 	 (funcall (layout-recovery-fn (car layouts))))
 	 (setf *layout-stack* (cdr *layout-stack*))
 	 (search-layout-stack (cdr layouts) tokens column))))
 ;;; Here are some very commonly used signalling functions.
 ;;; Other (more specific) signalling functions are defined near
 ;;; the places where they are called.
 ;;; This is used when a particular token isn't found.
 (define (signal-missing-token what where)
   (parser-error 'missing-token
 		"Missing ~a in ~a." what where))
 ;;; This is used to signal more complicated parse failures involving
 ;;; failure to match a nonterminal.
 (define (signal-invalid-syntax where)
   (parser-error 'invalid-syntax
 		"Invalid syntax appears where ~a is expected." where))