 ;;; print-valdefs.scm -- print AST structures for local declarations
 ;;; author :  Sandra Loosemore
 ;;; date   :  14 Jan 1992
 ;;; This file corresponds to ast/valdef-structs.scm.
 (define-ast-printer signdecl (object xp)
   (with-ast-block (xp)
     (write-delimited-list (signdecl-vars object) xp (function write) "," "" "")
     (write-string " ::" xp)
     (write-whitespace xp)
     (write (signdecl-signature object) xp)))
 ;;; This interacts with the layout rule stuff.  See util.scm.
 (define-ast-printer valdef (object xp)
   (let ((lhs         (valdef-lhs object))
 	(definitions (valdef-definitions object)))
     (write-definition lhs (car definitions) xp)
     (dolist (d (cdr definitions))
       (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
 	  (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp)
 	  (write-string "; " xp))
       (write-definition lhs d xp))))
 (define (write-definition lhs d xp)
   (with-ast-block (xp)
     (let ((args        (single-fun-def-args d))
 	  (rhs-list    (single-fun-def-rhs-list d))
 	  (where-decls (single-fun-def-where-decls d))
 	  (infix?      (single-fun-def-infix? d)))
       (write-lhs lhs args infix? xp)
       (write-rhs rhs-list xp)
       (write-wheredecls where-decls xp)
 (define (write-lhs lhs args infix? xp)       
   (cond ((null? args)
 	 ;; pattern definition
 	 (write-apat lhs xp)
         ;; If there are args, the lhs is always a var-pat pointing to a 
         ;; var-ref. The infix? slot from the single-fun-def must override
 	;; the slot on the var-ref, since there can be a mixture of
 	;; infix and prefix definitions for the same lhs.
 	 ;; operator definition
 	 (when (not (null? (cddr args)))
 	   (write-char #\( xp))
 	 (write-apat (car args) xp)
 	 (write-whitespace xp)
 	 (write-varop (var-ref-name (var-pat-var lhs)) xp)
 	 (write-whitespace xp)
 	 (write-apat (cadr args) xp)
 	 (when (not (null? (cddr args)))
 	   (write-char #\) xp)
 	   (write-whitespace xp)
 	   (write-delimited-list (cddr args) xp (function write-apat)
 				 "" "" "")))
 	 ;; normal prefix function definition
 	 (write-varid (var-ref-name (var-pat-var lhs)) xp)
 	 (write-whitespace xp)
 	 (write-delimited-list args xp (function write-apat) "" "" ""))
 (define (write-rhs rhs-list xp)
   (let ((guard   (guarded-rhs-guard (car rhs-list)))
 	(rhs     (guarded-rhs-rhs   (car rhs-list))))
     (when (not (is-type? 'omitted-guard guard))
       (write-string " | " xp)
       (write guard xp))
     (write-string " =" xp)
     (write-whitespace xp)
     (write rhs xp)
     (when (not (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
       (write-newline xp)
       (write-rhs (cdr rhs-list) xp))))
 ;;; Pattern printers
 ;;; As per jcp suggestion, don't put whitespace after @; line break comes
 ;;; before, not after (as is the case for other infix-style punctuation).
 (define-ast-printer as-pat (object xp)
   (with-ast-block (xp)
     (write (as-pat-var object) xp)
     (write-whitespace xp)
     (write-string "@" xp)
     (write-apat (as-pat-pattern object) xp)))
 (define (write-apat pat xp)
   (if (or (is-type? 'apat pat)
 	  (is-type? 'pp-pat-plus pat)  ; hack per jcp
 	  (and (is-type? 'pcon pat)
 	       (or (null? (pcon-pats pat))
 		   (eq? (pcon-con pat) (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
 		   (is-tuple-constructor? (pcon-con pat)))))
       (write pat xp)
         (write-char #\( xp)
         (write pat xp)
         (write-char #\) xp))))
 (define-ast-printer irr-pat (object xp)
   (write-string "~" xp)
   (write-apat (irr-pat-pattern object) xp))
 (define-ast-printer var-pat (object xp)
   (write (var-pat-var object) xp))
 (define-ast-printer wildcard-pat (object xp)
   (declare (ignore object))
   (write-char #\_ xp))
 (define-ast-printer const-pat (object xp)
   (write (const-pat-value object) xp))
 (define-ast-printer plus-pat (object xp)
   (write (plus-pat-pattern object) xp)
   (write-string " + " xp)
   (write (plus-pat-k object) xp))
 (define-ast-printer pcon (object xp)
   (let ((name    (pcon-name object))
 	(pats    (pcon-pats object))
 	(infix?  (pcon-infix? object))
 	(def     (pcon-con object)))
     (cond ((eq? def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
 	   (write-string "()" xp))
 	  ((is-tuple-constructor? def)
 	   (write-commaized-list pats xp))
           ((null? pats)
 	   (if infix?
 	       ;; infix pcon with no arguments can happen inside pp-pat-list
 	       ;; before precedence parsing happens.
 	       (write-conop name xp)
 	       (write-conid name xp)))
 	   ;; This could be smarter about dealing with precedence of patterns.
 	   (with-ast-block (xp)
 	     (write-apat (car pats) xp)
 	     (write-whitespace xp)
 	     (write-conop name xp)
 	     (write-whitespace xp)
 	     (write-apat (cadr pats) xp)))
 	   (with-ast-block (xp)
 	     (write-conid name xp)
 	     (write-whitespace xp)
 	     (write-delimited-list pats xp (function write-apat) "" "" "")))
 (define-ast-printer list-pat (object xp)
     (list-pat-pats object) xp (function write) "," "[" "]"))
 (define-ast-printer pp-pat-list (object xp)
   (write-delimited-list (pp-pat-list-pats object) xp (function write-apat)
 			"" "" ""))
 (define-ast-printer pp-pat-plus (object xp)
   (declare (ignore object))
   (write-string "+ " xp))
 (define-ast-printer pp-pat-negated (object xp)
   (declare (ignore object))
   (write-string "-" xp))