 ;;; array-prims.scm -- array primitives
 ;;; author :  John & Sandra
 ;;; date   :  14 May 1993
 ;;; Vector reference, returning unboxed value
 (define-syntax (prim.vector-sel vec i)
   `(vector-ref ,vec ,i))
 ;;; Destructive vector update.  All arguments are unboxed.
 (define-syntax (prim.vector-update vec i newval)
   `(setf (vector-ref ,vec ,i) ,newval))
 ;;; Make a vector whose elements are initialized to val (which is boxed).
 (define-syntax (prim.make-vector size val)
   `(make-vector ,size ,val))
 ;;; Copy an existing vector.
 (define-syntax (prim.copy-vector vec)
   `(vector-copy ,vec))
 ;;; Explicit force operation
 (define-syntax (prim.force x)
   `(force ,x))
 ;;; The first parameter is forced first since this prim is declared to
 ;;; be strict in the first arg.
 (define-syntax (prim.strict1 force-this leave-this)
      ;; Can't ignore the first argument entirely since doing so
      ;; might result in variable-bound-but-not-referenced errors.
      ;; Hopefully the Lisp compiler will be smart enough to get
      ;; rid of this when appropriate.
      ;; Don't generate a stupid (force (delay x)) sequence here if
      ;; we don't need to.
      ,(if (and (pair? leave-this)
 	       (or (eq? (car leave-this) 'delay)
 		   (eq? (car leave-this) 'box)))
 	  (cadr leave-this)
 	  `(force ,leave-this))))