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# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
cd $Y2
setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
  rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
  foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{sbin,scm})
    mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512 :growth-limit 2048)
;; This will make sure any files that need to get compiled will be
;; compiled with Lucid's production compiler.  If you want to recompile
;; everything from scratch, execute the "clean" script first, or
;; else use the "compile" script to do this.
(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
(load "cl-support/cl-init")
(in-package :mumble-user)
(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
;; Set appropriate compiler settings for processing the prelude.
;; Use production compiler on prelude code and split it up into pieces.
;; Use fast development compiler on interface.
(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
(setf *interface-code-quality* 2)
(setf *interface-chunk-size* '#f)
(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)