Raw Blame History
General messages
      compiling       Printed when the compilation system starts a compilation
      loading         Printed when a previously compiled unit is loaded
      reading         Prints the name of the file being parsed
      extension       Enables printing withinn extensions
      time            Prints the time that it takes to execute a computation
      phase-time      Prints the time of each phase of compilation
Compiler passes
      parse           Prints the program recreated from ast
      import          Lists all symbols imported and exported for each module
      scope           Print the program after scoping and precedence parsing
      depend          Prints entire program in nested let's
      type            Prints signatures during inference
      cfn             Prints entire program after context free normalization
      depend2         Like depend
      flic            Prints entire program as flic code
      optimize        Prints entire program as optimized flic code
      optimize-extra  Prints extra verbose information during optimization
      strictness      Print strictness of all functions and variables
      codegen         Prints generated Lisp code
      codegen-flic    Prints generated Lisp code and associated flic code
      dumper          Prints the code in the interface
      dump-stat       Prints statistics for the interface file