Raw Blame History
;;; This file defines core symbols - those in PreludeCore and
;;; other Prelude symbols used in compilation.

;;; This part is constructed from the export table of PreludeCore
;;; by 'top/prelude-core-syms' and has been pasted in here.

(DEFINE *haskell-prelude-vars*
  '((CLASSES "Num"
    (METHODS "fromInteger"
    (TYPES "Char"
    (CONSTRUCTORS ":+" "True" "False" ":=" ":")
    (SYNONYMS "ShowS" "ReadS" "String" "Rational" "IO")

;;; Non PreludeCore stuff

;;; This table defines all symbols in the core used internally by the
;;; compiler.

(define *haskell-noncore-vars* '(
    "&&"  "||"  "primPlusInt"
    "++" "take" "drop" "." "showChar" "shows" "showString"
    "showParen" "lex" "readParen" "reads"
    "primShowBinInt" "primReadBinSmallInt"
    "primIntegerToInt" "primIntToInteger"
    "primRationalToFloat" "primRationalToDouble"
    "primNegInt" "primNegInteger" "primNegFloat" "primNegDouble" 
    "foldr" "build" "inlineFoldr" "inlineBuild" 
    "primAppend" "primStringEq"
    "dictSel" "tupleEqDict" "tupleOrdDict" "tupleIxDict"
    "tupleTextDict" "tupleBinaryDict")))