from __future__ import division import time import copy import libtcodpy as libtcod import random from utilities import Rect try: import numpypy except ImportError: pass import numpy as np import objects class Tile(object): def __init__(self, x,y, blocked, block_sight=None): self.blocked = blocked self.explored = False if block_sight is None: block_sight = blocked self.block_sight = block_sight class AutomataEngine(object): def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, data=None, randomize=True): if data is not None: = data elif randomize: = [ [ random.choice([0]+[1]*3) for y in range(height)] for x in range(width) ] else: = [ [1 for y in range(height)] for x in range(width) ] = np.array( self.width = width self.height = height def get_rect(self, p1, p2): x1,y1 = p1 x2,y2 = p2 x1,x2 = min([x1,x2]), max([x1,x2]) y1,y2 = min([y1,y2]), max([y1,y2]) #result =[x1:x2,y1:y2] result = [ row[y1:y2] for row in[x1:x2] ] return result def sum_area(self, p1, p2=None, summator=sum): rect = p1 if isinstance(p2, int): x,y = rect rect = self.get_rect( (x-p2,y-p2), (x+p2,y+p2) ) elif p2 is not None: rect = self.get_rect(p1,p2) return summator( summator(row) for row in rect ) def iter_with_coords(self): for x,row in enumerate( for y,cell in enumerate(row): yield x,y,cell def munge(self): tmp_data = np.array( for x,row in enumerate( for y,cell in enumerate(row): tmp_data[x][y] = self.rule(x,y, cell) return self.__class__(data=tmp_data) def iter(self, num): result = self for x in range(num): result = self.munge() return result def to_map(self): data = [[0]*len([0]) for _ in] for x,y,cell in self.iter_with_coords(): data[x][y] = Tile(x,y, cell in {1,2}, cell == 1) return data class MazeGen(AutomataEngine): def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, data=None, randomize=True, num_rooms=12, max_width=15, max_height=15, **kw): kw['randomize'] = False AutomataEngine.__init__(self, width, height, data, **kw) points = [ (random.randrange(self.width), random.randrange(self.height)) for _ in range(num_rooms) ] connections = [] for p in points: p2 = random.choice(points) while p == p2: p2 = random.choice(points) connections.append( (p,p2) ) for p,p2 in connections: self.connect_points(p,p2, 9) self.rooms = [] self.expand_rooms(points, max_width, max_height) def connect_points(self, p1, p2, steps=4): x1,y1 = p1 x2,y2 = p2 steps = random.randrange(2, steps+1) cx, cy = x1,y1 h_steps = random.randrange(1,steps) # always at least one vstep v_steps = steps - h_steps while (cx,cy) != (x2,y2): if h_steps > 0 and random.random() < .5: dx = int(x2-cx)//(h_steps) stop = cx+dx a = min([stop,cx]) b = max([stop,cx]) for x in range(a,b):[x][cy] = 0 h_steps -= 1 cx = stop elif v_steps > 0: dy = int(y2-cy)//(v_steps) stop = cy+dy a = min([stop,cy]) b = max([stop,cy]) for y in range(a,b):[cx][y] = 0 v_steps -= 1 cy = stop elif cx != x2: stop = x2 a = min([stop,cx]) b = max([stop,cx]) for x in range(a,b+1):[x][cy] = 0 elif cy != y2: stop = y2 a = min([stop,cy]) b = max([stop,cy]) for y in range(a,b+1):[cx][y] = 0 else: print 'ouch' break def expand_rooms(self, points, max_width, max_height): for point in points: left_offset = random.randrange(int(max_width/2)) up_offset = random.randrange(int(max_height/2)) cx, cy = point lx, ty = cx-left_offset, cy-up_offset if lx < 0: max_width += lx lx = 0 if ty < 0: max_height += ty ty = 0 w, h = random.randrange(1,max_width+1), random.randrange(1, max_height+1) if lx + w >= self.width: w -= (lx+w) - self.width if ty + h >= self.height: h -= (ty+h) - self.height print '(',lx,ty, ')', w, h room = Rect(lx,ty, w,h) success = True for o_room in self.rooms: success = not o_room ^ room if success: self.rooms.append(room) def rule(self, x,y, cell): for room in self.rooms: if (x,y) in room: return 0 return cell def munge(self): tmp_data = np.array( for x,row in enumerate( for y,cell in enumerate(row): tmp_data[x][y] = self.rule(x,y, cell) return AutomataEngine(data=tmp_data) class AutomataLoader(AutomataEngine): def load_rules(self): self.rules = yaml.load( file( os.path.join('.', 'data', 'mapgenerator.yml') ) ) def parse_rule(self, rule): comp, val = rule.split('->') val = val.strip() if comp == 'is': if val == 'odd': return lambda a: (a%2)==1 elif val == 'even': return lambda a: (a%2)==0 else: return lambda a: a == int(val) else: val = int(val) if comp.startswith('>'): if comp.startswith('>='): return lambda a: a >= val return lambda a: a > val elif comp.startswith('<'): if comp.startswith('<='): return lambda a: a <= val return lambda a: a < val elif comp.startswith('=='): return lambda a: a == val def rule(self, x,y, cell): sum = self.sum_area((x,y), 1) for rule in self.rules: rule, _, result = rule.partition('::') if parse_rule(rule)(cell): if hasattr(result, 'upper') and result.lower()=='cell': result = cell return result class Automata1(AutomataEngine): def rule(self, x,y, cell): sum = self.sum_area( (x,y), 1 ) - cell if cell == 0 and sum > 3: return 0 elif sum > 5: return 1 elif sum in {2,3}: return cell else: return 0 #elif sum <= 1: # return 1 #else: # return cell class Smoother(AutomataEngine): def rule(self, x,y, cell): sum = self.sum_area( (x,y), 1 ) if sum <= 1 and cell == 1: return 0 if sum == 8 and cell == 0: return 1 else: return cell class NewSmoother(AutomataEngine): def rule(self, x,y, cell): avg = self.sum_area( (x,y), 2 ) / 16 if avg < .5: return 0 else: return 1 import collections class Map(collections.MutableSequence): def __init__(self, width, height, con, level): print 'hello again' self.gen = MazeGen(width, height) = = self.gen.munge() = Automata1( = Smoother( = self.width = width self.height = height self.con = con self.level = level self.player = None self._map_entrance = None @property def map_entrance(self): if self._map_entrance: return self._map_entrance else: return 0,0 @map_entrance.setter def map_entrance(self, val): assert not self.is_blocked(*val) self._map_entrance = val #def enter(self, player): # self.player = player # return self def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( def __contains__(self, it): return it in def __getitem__(self, k): return[k] def __setitem__(self, k,v):[k] = v def __delitem__(self, k): del[k] def iter_cells_with_coords(self): '''NOTE: row is a list, col an instance of Tile''' for x,row in enumerate(self): for y,cell in enumerate(row): yield (x,y,cell) def insert(self, *a):*a) def populate_map(self, max_rooms, min_size, max_size, monster_types, max_num_monsters, item_types, max_num_items): rooms = [] num_rooms = 0 print '\n'.join(''.join(map(str, row)) for row in for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): if x in {0,self.width-1} or y in {0,self.height-1}: self[x][y].blocked = True self[x][y].block_sight = True start_room = self.gen.rooms[0] x,y = start_room.random_point while self.is_blocked(x,y): x,y = start_room.random_point self.map_entrance = x,y self.place_items(self.gen.rooms[0], item_types, max_num_items) for r in self.gen.rooms[1:]: self.place_objects(r, monster_types, max_num_monsters, item_types, max_num_items ) return self def create_room(self, room): for x in range(room.x1, room.x2+1): for y in range(room.y1, room.y2+1): if x in {room.x1,room.x2} or y in {room.y1,room.y2}: self[x][y] = Tile(x,y, True) def create_h_tunnel(self, x1, x2, y): for x in range(min(x1,x2), max(x1, x2)+1): self[x][y] = Tile(x,y, False) def create_v_tunnel(self, x, y1, y2): for y in range(min(y1,y2), max(y1, y2)+1): self[x][y] = Tile(x,y, False) def is_blocked(self, x,y): if self[x][y].blocked: return True for obj in self.level.iter_objects(): if obj.blocks and obj.x == x and obj.y == y: return True return False def choose_empty_point(self, room): empty_points = [p for p in room.iter_cells() if not self.is_blocked(*p)] result = None,None if empty_points: result = random.choice(empty_points) return result def place_objects(self, room, monster_types, max_num_monsters, item_types, max_num_items): self.place_monsters(room, monster_types, max_num_monsters) self.place_items(room, item_types, max_num_items) def place_monsters(self, room, monster_types, max_num): num_monsters = random.randrange(1, max_num) for i in range(num_monsters): choice = choose_obj(monster_types) print 'chosen monster: %s' % choice, if choice: x,y = self.choose_empty_point(room) if x is not None and y is not None: result = choice(self, self.level, self.con, x,y) print, result.fighter.hp, result.fighter.power, result.fighter.defense, x,y, print def place_items(self, room, item_types, max_num): num_items = random.randrange(0, max_num) for i in range(num_items): item_type = choose_obj(item_types) if item_type: x,y = self.choose_empty_point(room) if x is not None and y is not None: self.level.add_object( objects.Object(self, self.con, x,y, item_type.char,, item_type.color, item=item_type(), ) ).send_to_back() def choose_obj(chance_dict): tot = float( sum(chance_dict.values()) ) accum = 0 result = None rand = random.randrange(100) for choice, chance in chance_dict.items(): if choice: accum += (chance/tot) * 100 if rand < accum: result = choice break return result